Friday, September 13, 2013

A week in the life

Life seems to be settling down a bit. My new routines are still far from "routine," but I'm beginning to figure out the rhythms of life in Lyon. I'm still very much a stranger in a strange land, however, I'm starting to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Although there is a lot going on in my life here, lately I haven't felt like there's anything particularly interesting to write about. But I realize that if I don't capture the present "normal," the memory of these early weeks in Lyon will soon fade away. So, at the risk of boring my readers, I'll just recap the week for the sake of posterity.

Sunday - Slept in...what a blissful thing it is to have worship services in the afternoon instead of first thing in the morning! Last Sunday was our church's annual kick-off BBQ fellowship. Although it rained, we brought the picnic indoors and had a great time of fellowship. Our church is an English speaking international church, and at the present time includes families from such far-flung places as Japan, Pakistan, England, Korea, and Australia, in addition to France and the U.S.

Monday - The girls both go to school late on Mondays. It's the only day they get to take their commute on the metro together. I'm thankful - it makes Sunday evenings a lot more relaxed, knowing the girls can stay up a bit later because they can sleep an extra hour or two in the morning. I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts! After they left for school, Greg and I went for a run, starting alongside the Rhone and eventually winding through the parc de la tete d'or.

Tuesday - Greg and I had our appointment with the OFII (Office Français de l'Immigration et de l'Intégration). I was really nervous that we wouldn't have all the necessary paperwork, but thankfully all went well, and now we have this nice official stamp in our passports that allow us to remain in France legally for another 10 months. Next July, we'll have to go through the song-and-dance again at the Préfecture. The worst part of this ordeal was having to get a chest X-ray during the medical examination (I guess they are looking for signs of tuberculosis). The French aren't as modest as we Americans tend to be, so there were no robes provided. Awkward!!

Wednesday - I signed us up for French lessons with Lyon Bleu, a company located only 5 blocks away from our apartment. We start Monday morning, and I can't wait! Although I've made a bit of progress on my own, I'm tired of being stuck at the beginner level, and I long to understand more of what I'm hearing around me.
Wednesdays are early release days for middle schoolers here, and Lindsey invited her new Japanese friend over to spend the afternoon. It was fun hearing them giggle as they played with Barbies. I love that my preteen still enjoys playing with her toys!

Thursday - Lunch with a friend from church, followed by a ministry team meeting, then hosting a gentleman for dinner made for a full day. Our dinner guest was a man from Angola whom Greg met last April at the ICCL. We've kept in touch over the past few months, and I was so glad that he looked us up during his business trip to Lyon. He is a man of great faith, and his joy in the Lord is truly contagious!

Friday - So far it's been another busy day on the social front: coffee with one friend and lunch with another. I really enjoy being able to take time to sit down with women over leisurely cups of coffee and hear their stories. Now I need to go for another run and work off the calories!


  1. Your supérieur diary approach gives all of us an idea about what it is like for a Texan (you were born in Galveston, remember) to adjust to French culture as well as giving us some news about your day-to-day activities. I, for one, would like to read more of these.

  2. I thought of you often as we decorated for Peyton's 13th birthday party last week. She wanted a Paris theme. :-) Love your updates!
