Thursday, November 28, 2013

My 3 Thanksgivings

This morning I read this promise from Jesus in the Bible: "...there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms for my sake and for the gospel's sake, but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age..." These words brought great comfort. Today is Thanksgiving in America, and I miss my family terribly. But even where loss dwells, God showers blessings: he's given me three Thanksgivings this year.

Thanksgiving #1: ICCL
Our church celebrates Thanksgiving each year in mid-November with a potluck luncheon before the Sunday afternoon worship service. Like us, the founding pastors of the ICCL (International Christian Community of Lyon) are also Americans. Many years ago, after inviting French families to celebrate Thanksgiving with them in their homes, they discovered that internationals really enjoy the concept of a festive holiday centered around gratitude. At church, we're constantly giving thanks to God for his manifold blessings; it makes perfect sense to combine the custom of a Thanksgiving meal with our worship. Our meal is hardly an "all-American" feast, however. The table is filled with foods with distinctly international flavors. We do have the traditional turkey, sweet potatoes, and cranberries...along with Pakistani chicken curry, chrysanthemum tea jelly from east Asia, and of course, French bread.

Thanksgiving #2: Home
Even though the girls have a long school day today, we'll have a "thanksgiving" meal on our own this evening. I plan to get a rotisserie chicken, and I'll fix my grandmother's escalloped pineapple, mashed potatoes, and green beans. For dessert my girls requested chocolate chip cookie bars -- they aren't big fans of pumpkin pie. Growing up, my family's tradition was to go around the table after dinner and share the one thing we were most thankful for that year. I hope to Skype in during my parent's meal (usually a late lunch, so the timing should work out well) so we can continue the tradition long-distance.

Thanksgiving #3: American Club
On Saturday we plan to participate in Lyon's American Club annual thanksgiving meal. It's another potluck -- still more pineapple and cranberry dishes to prepare. I look forward to meeting more Americans living in this city. I think about 20 families are expected to attend.

So as you can see, I'm not missing out on Thanksgiving. Actually I'm just extending the festivities -- before, during, and after the actual date! I hope and pray that everyone out there has a blessed Thanksgiving. Remember, there is a lot to be thankful for!

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.

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