After a long hiatus, I'm back to the blogging world! Starting to write again has been a difficult mental hurdle. Lots of ideas have been floating around in my head, but for some reason it's been hard to sit down at the computer and get started. Like an exerciser who's been sitting on the couch for two months, I'll probably have to ease back into it slowly.
The initial reason for temporarily abandoning my blog involved a personal tragedy. My sweet mother-in-law, Margaret, passed away in late February after a very short battle with breast cancer. Complications arose after she began chemotherapy, and what we'd assumed would be a long marathon ended up in a quick downward spiral.
Margaret Whitus, Greg's mom, was one of the most joy-filled people I've ever known. She never knew a stranger -- she would strike up a conversation with every checkout person, waitress, name it. Her laugh was contagious. Margaret was a loving and generous woman, and everyone who knew her misses her terribly.
This photo was taken last year on Mother's day, just a few months before our move to France. Everyone looks so happy, and this is how I remember Margaret whenever I think of her.
The most important thing about my mother-in-law, though, is that she knew the Lord. We're assured that she's in heaven now, celebrating her new eternal life with Jesus. Someday we'll be there too, and it will be a family reunion like no other!
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