Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bonne Annee

January -- janvier in French -- the month named after Janus, the Roman god with two faces: one looks back, and the other looks ahead. Our first New Year's Eve in France was celebrated quietly. Lindsey had a sleepover party at a friend's house. Lori, Greg and I gorged on raclette and watched the 80's movie "The Breakfast Club" for nostalgia's sake (to our great surprise, our millenium-era teenager loved it!) Afterwards, Lori went out with a friend to ring in the New Year, and Greg ventured out just after midnight to make sure she got home safely. (The best thing about New Year's Eve in a city -- no driving!) From my balcony, I watched the drunken revelry below. Joyful shouts of "Bonne Annee!" echoed down the street as the clock struck midnight.

I woke up this morning thinking about two-faced Janus. I thought back over the past year. 2013 was a year filled with more change than anyone could reasonably expect to endure. Yet we survived, and I can even say that at times we thrived. Our move to Lyon was an incredible adventure, filled with God's blessings. But there were losses. Sadnesses. Tears. Goodbyes. Some of these were permanent goodbyes, at least until heaven. As I look back, I see the way that God took the seemingly unrelated threads of blessings, joys, sorrows, and heartbreak, and He wove them together in a beautiful tapestry, as only He can do. He continues to weave that story.

By nature I'm a planner, a goal-setter, a control freak. New Year's Resolutions used to be a high for me. But more and more, I'm trying to let God direct my story. He's a far superior author. I wonder what will be added to the story in 2014.

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