Saturday, January 18, 2014

Flash Fiction

When I was a kid, I wrote fiction all the time. My dad, who is a great writer, noticed the seeds of talent and encouraged me to persevere. But life gets busy, and over time I dropped the hobby.

Old dreams can be resurrected.

A few weeks ago I was reading one of my favorite blogs, and learned about a weekly "flash fiction" writing contest called the Iron Writer. It's a brilliantly simple idea: four authors have four days to write a 500 word short story utilizing four elements. Readers vote for the best story, and there aren't any "prizes" other than bragging rights. The four elements are given out on the first day of the contest and are often bizarre, challenging the writers to be extra-creative. (For example, the elements in this week's contest are: Mata Hari, a houseplant, a toilet-paper-roll hat, and a single roller skate.)

After learning about this opportunity, I couldn't get it out of my head. It sounded like fun, but scary too -- kind of like sky diving. So, holding my breath, I emailed in a request to join. I'm taking the challenge on February 13. Making this announcement publicly on my blog will force me to follow through and not chicken out!

Hopefully, entering this contest will be a rewarding and fun experience. I don't really care if I win, but I don't want to come in last place if the story sucks, would you guys still vote for me anyway?

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