Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April in Lyon.... absolutely gorgeous! The flowers are in full bloom, the sky is a clear, bright blue, and the air is dry. No wonder outdoor cafes abound in Europe.

April has been filled with activity. Children are enjoying a well-deserved 2 week break from school, and we took advantage of the vacances scolaires to visit friends in Heidelberg and Stuttgart, Germany. We somehow managed to bring the unseasonably warm weather with us.

Greg and I also participated in a fun race through the city streets of Lyon called the "Lyon Urban Trail." Die-hard athletes competed in a grueling 35K death march up and down Lyon's many hills, but  at our age we felt just fine about choosing the "lighter" 13K course.

My readers already know that my favorite spot in all of Lyon is the Parc de la Tete D'or, and I have spent every free moment there, basking in the sunshine, reading, cycling, walking, people-watching, and picnicking.

To top off a great month, it so happens that my birthday is in April and my only wish was to have a picnic in the park with my lovely family. Wish granted!