Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stuff, stuff....and still more stuff

I feel time speeding up. The countdown is on: only 23 days left in the U.S. Our rental house looks like a bomb went off. Stacks of "stuff" line the hallways, and you can't even see the countertops because they are covered with miscellaneous papers, articles of clothing, dirty dishes, and other odds and ends. Today I've set aside an entire day to work on organizing the piles and finalizing what will be included in our 4x4x4 shipping pallet. Before I get to work, here are some of the exciting, and not so exciting, activities that have made up the last 3 or 4 days:

This weekend we had a ton of opportunities to see friends and supporters. We had a farewell pool party on Friday night, which was a lot of fun and not too sad, because many of the partygoers were friends we'll run into again before leaving for good. Also this weekend we were formally commissioned by our church not once, not twice, but four times!

The girls and I attended a yearbook signing party for our homeschool group. Lori and Lindsey have attended Classical Conversations for seven years, and this small band of homeschoolers has become like extended family to us. We've gone through good times and bad together, sharing a few tears but also much laughter. Once again, this event was another bittersweet time of saying goodbye not just for the summer, but for years to come.

Yesterday we spent pretty much all day selling our car. First we picked up a loaner car from a friend, then Greg and I had to go to the DMV to get a title released (the one in our possession had errors). While there, wouldn't you know it, their computer locked up twice, so we ended up waiting an hour and a half for what normally would have taken 5 minutes. I should have seen this as a perfect opportunity to practice patience for dealing with French bureaucracy in the future, but instead I just fumed, sighed, and tapped my foot loudly. Not a great witness.

Many of you have asked -- we are still waiting on word about the apartment we've selected. Today we got word that the dossier has been accepted by the agent, but they are waiting on the owner for the final word. We continue to pray that if this is the right apartment for us, we will have favor with the owner and hear something soon. In the meantime, I'll continue to pack those boxes and storage tubs, even if we don't have an address to send them to!

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