Every Thursday afternoon, about 10 women come over to my house for Bible study. I'm so thankful for these ladies! They have encouraged me in my walk with Christ as we open the Word together and discover the truths found within. No matter how many times I've read a passage from the Bible on my own, I always get new insights when I discuss that same passage with others. Their perspectives shine new light on familiar scriptures.
Today, we were studied an episode from the life of Jesus found in chapter 4 of Mark's gospel. In this passage, Jesus and his disciples were crossing a lake when a huge storm came up and threatened to sink their boat. The disciples feared for their lives, but Jesus slept peacefully through it all. When the disciples finally woke Jesus up, he immediately calmed the storm just by the command of his voice. The disciples couldn't believe it! They asked one another, "Who is this man? Even the wind and waves obey him!" Together, as we discussed this episode, we talked about the "storms" in our own lives, and how Jesus is right there with us through them. He's not surprised by them or worried about them...he even has the power to calm them. As my new friends shared how they've walked with Jesus during the trials in their own lives, the Bible story came to life for me.
So today I give thanks for these precious, wise women, and for the time we have together each week to study the Word of God.
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