Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Giving Thanks Day 15: New Friends

Today I briefly give thanks for new friends! Briefly, because I just spent several hours with some of them, it's late, and I'm ready for bed.

This evening one of my friends from church hosted a "craft night" at her home. The idea was for people to bring over their craft supplies or a project to work on. Honestly, at the last minute I didn't even want to go. It was rainy and chilly outside, and I just wanted to relax at home. But I knew that it would be a lot of fun, so I went. And yes, it was fun! I learned a new jewelry skill, and came home with a bracelet that I made myself (with lots of help from my friend Elizabeth).

The best part had nothing to do with the crafts, or even the snacks. It was the fellowship: the laughter and the stories shared around the table with my new friends. One friend really encouraged all of us with an amazing testimony of how God drew her close to Himself after the death of her son.

New friendships are delicate, and must be nurtured along, like a young and tender flower. Investing in these new friendships by mixing together the ingredients of time, a listening ear, and fun activities, causes the friendships to blossom. I'm thankful for my new friends, and for this evening's opportunity to gather together!

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