Saturday, October 12, 2013

Giving Thanks Day 12: Scarves

Today was cold and damp in Lyon, a perfect day to stay home, snuggle under a blanket on the couch, and watch movies. This morning, though, Greg and I ventured out and did our usual Saturday morning shopping at the marche for fresh fruits and veggies. Vendors and shoppers alike were bundled up in their overcoats, boots, and scarves. Autumn is definitely here, giving us a preview of the long winter to come.

A couple of days ago, I noticed that all of the cafes had packed away their temporary porches for outdoor seating. The day I happened to notice this was a very warm, pleasant day, and I wondered why the cafes seemed so eager to lose their outdoor clientele. Since then, I've learned that it's a calendar thing -- the outdoor season officially runs from May 1 until October 1. Although the first week of October was beautiful, now it makes sense why the restaurants would put away the curbside chairs and tables -- the change in the weather this week has been dramatic.

I do love the cool, crisp bite in the air. I love seeing the people on the streets wrapped up in their winter clothing. And I love the colorful scarves I see wound tightly around the necks of people walking to and fro; on men and women, old and young. Scarves brighten up a cool autumn day with their vibrant colors. Scarves signify warmth and coziness. Scarves remind me of the great fortune I have to live in this beautiful city, and they also remind me that no matter how cold it gets outside, I'm lucky to have a warm apartment to return home to after a long day out.

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