Friday, October 4, 2013

Giving Thanks Day 4: Joyeux Anniversaire, Lori!

I'm so thankful for you, Lori. You came into our lives 17 years ago as a calm and pleasant baby, and you've kept that sweet disposition ever since. You've never given me a difficult time, except possibly about keeping your room clean -- but if that's the only thing I have to complain about, then I am blessed indeed. You remained steady and strong even when we shook up your world with our move to France. Thanks for your willingness to abandon your senior year in America with your head held high. You have faced every challenge with grace. Your faith in the goodness of people is amazing. That's probably why you make friends so easily, and you stay loyal to them through thick and thin. Your Dad and I often comment to one another, "Everyone loves Lori." And nobody loves you more than I do!

Happy 17th, Lori Darlin'.

Lori age 9 at DisneyWorld

Lori today, age 17, with one of her presents - a Tardis poster

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